and here's my nomination ceremony.
as we get down to the end of the game, nominations become harder and harder.
as Adam said last round, i
thoroughly enjoy the company of all three of you.
with that being said, of course this decision isnt easy on my part.
ive been honest with all three of you throughout this game, and i have no real alliance to
ANY of you, and i dont have any Final2 deals with anyone either.
that being said, im giving my two nominations the chance to play hard for Veto.
the person whose photo i will show here is who is safe:
Johnny, you are safe. that means my nominations:
Adam:[/size] you know, last week when you nominated me, i was rather pissed. and i didnt think that your justifications for nominating me were fair. but when i thought about it this week when i won, i definitely see your justifications just
clearly. you are definitely my strongest competition in terms of winning competitions and strategic game play. Your skills at competitions in this game has been evident. so i wish you the best with Veto this week, and i hope you dont have any hard feelings.
Nicki[/size]: i know we've been close lately, but as i stated above, i dont have a final 2 with anyone. Im hoping you'll do well with Veto, and i wish you the best. There's no real reason that ive nominated you other than that I needed to put two people on the block, and i figured i'd give Johnny the "bragging rights" of not being on the block for this much longer of a stretch. I hope you
wont hold my nominations against me. i still love you, you crazy bitch.
xoxo. [/color]
this nomination ceremony is adjourned.