{Conversation with Lindsey}AsianxChick90210 (10:41:30 PM): Hey Lindsey
survivorqueen985 (12:56:40 PM): Hey Sandra.
AsianxChick90210 (12:57:47 PM): How are you?
survivorqueen985 (1:01:29 PM): I'm okay, fighting with a friend about other friends and it's getting annoying lol. You?
AsianxChick90210 (1:02:22 PM): Sounds annoying!
AsianxChick90210 (1:02:26 PM): Hope its not Paris!
AsianxChick90210 (1:02:27 PM): lol
AsianxChick90210 (1:02:34 PM): I'm doing pretty well
survivorqueen985 (1:05:01 PM): I hope the veto isn't used, I like being off the block lol.
AsianxChick90210 (1:05:12 PM): Yeah same here
survivorqueen985 (1:06:54 PM): This waiting is killing me.
AsianxChick90210 (1:07:26 PM): Yeah and he wasnt very open about it when I asked
survivorqueen985 (1:17:37 PM): Me either. I think I'm getting back doored. I want to get the Bradley Adam alliance out. I heard they have a chest each.
survivorqueen985 (1:17:57 PM): It's scary.
AsianxChick90210 (1:19:03 PM): You think you're going up?
AsianxChick90210 (1:19:10 PM): I mean if you're against Dianna I'm sure you will be 100% safe
survivorqueen985 (1:21:10 PM): IDK, I think someone wants to make a power play. Adam dislikes me.
AsianxChick90210 (1:21:23 PM): I mean it won't work lol
AsianxChick90210 (1:21:53 PM): You went up last round and got only 1 vote
survivorqueen985 (1:22:47 PM): Yeah but Christie insulted everyone lol.
AsianxChick90210 (1:22:56 PM): Do you think Dianna has friends?
survivorqueen985 (1:24:40 PM): Idk, I like her lol
AsianxChick90210 (1:24:53 PM): I never talk to her
survivorqueen985 (1:25:45 PM): I do on occasion.
survivorqueen985 (1:34:00 PM): Adams not replying to me lol
AsianxChick90210 (1:34:11 PM): Let me IM him and see if he responds to me
AsianxChick90210 (1:34:35 PM): Kate is the Head of Household though
AsianxChick90210 (1:34:39 PM): Are you social with Kate?
AsianxChick90210 (1:34:43 PM): He signed off
survivorqueen985 (1:36:00 PM): I try and message her but she has only ever replied once.
AsianxChick90210 (1:36:14 PM): Hmm
survivorqueen985 (2:55:14 PM): Kate said she knows who she would nominate if it was used.
AsianxChick90210 (2:55:25 PM): She didn't tell you who though?
survivorqueen985 (2:55:55 PM): Not yet
. Ugh, I thought I'd get a week off.
AsianxChick90210 (2:56:11 PM): Keep you head up! You never know!
survivorqueen985 (2:56:49 PM): I'm so sick of not doing anything wrong to get nominated.
survivorqueen985 (2:59:40 PM): You're so easy to talk to.
AsianxChick90210 (3:00:16 PM): lol thanks
AsianxChick90210 (3:00:28 PM): I mean I feel like everyone who isn't easy to talk to should leave first
AsianxChick90210 (3:00:36 PM): I don't know why people are rushing to make moves so early
survivorqueen985 (3:01:14 PM): Yeah lol. Although Kate is the only person I have that problem with.
AsianxChick90210 (3:01:25 PM): See I don't speak with Dianna or Drew very much
survivorqueen985 (3:02:02 PM): I don't either but when I do its a breeze. Talking to Kate is like pulling teeth.
survivorqueen985 (7:51:40 PM): I'm hearing from Dianna that Noah told her there is an outcast twist coming in a few weeks.
survivorqueen985 (7:51:45 PM): Sh*t lol
AsianxChick90210 (7:51:49 PM): Yeah she just told me that
survivorqueen985 (7:53:12 PM): I hope that doesn't happen
AsianxChick90210 (7:53:19 PM): Who knows
survivorqueen985 (7:53:24 PM): I hate outcast twists, and the two eliminated players so far lol
AsianxChick90210 (7:53:30 PM): lol
survivorqueen985 (8:51:46 PM): Ugh, I so want to keep Mike in this game.
AsianxChick90210 (8:51:57 PM): I mean I never talk to Sean
AsianxChick90210 (8:52:05 PM): Dianna, Drew, and Sean were always bottom 3 for me when it came to voting
AsianxChick90210 (8:52:08 PM): So I'm voting Sean
survivorqueen985 (8:52:25 PM): It looks as if Sean is getting 4 votes for sure with 2 swing votes >.<
AsianxChick90210 (8:52:44 PM): Who is voting who?
survivorqueen985 (8:53:00 PM): From what it looks, You, Britney, Dianna and Me.
survivorqueen985 (8:53:12 PM): Johnny and Drew are the swings from what it looks
survivorqueen985 (9:45:08 PM): It looks like the votes for him are definantly there
survivorqueen985 (9:45:19 PM): To stay
AsianxChick90210 (9:45:27 PM): Good
survivorqueen985 (9:45:36 PM): Just need to talk to Drew and Johnny, make sure one of them want to keep him. Then it's a lock
AsianxChick90210 (9:48:58 PM): Exactly